CoolMon 2.0 - UTILITIES
WINDOWS"CoolMon is a program for monitoring vital system stats and almost anything else.Brothersoft Editor:
CoolMon is a program for monitoring vital system stats and almost anything else you wish to display on the
desktop. It can also display stats from remote
pc's and publish real-time stats on a webpage. The application can display CPU, RAM and page file usage, hard drive usage, MotherBoard
Monitor temperatures and fan speeds, various network stats and much, much more.
Below is a list of features and counter that
CoolMon currently supports
- Processor usage (up to four CPU's)
- Number of Processes
- Number of Threads
- Process using the most CPU time
- Processor type
- Used/Free/Total page file
- Used/Free/Total RAM
- Free/Total/Grand Total Disk space (up to sixteen disks, also mapped network drives)
Computer Uptime
- Date & Time
- Computer name
- User name
- All IP addresses
- Network read and write speed (up to four NICs)
- Total Bytes sent and received"[1]
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